Hinds' Feet in High Places

Yet I will exult in the Lord,
I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.
The Lord God is my strength,
And He has made my feet like hinds’ feet,
And makes me walk on my high places.
-- Habakkuk 3:18-19

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America Must Repent!

God's judgment awaits America if she will not return to His ways.

Once upon Time, God created a Universe.

The Creator of this universe chose a small Galaxy, and within this Galaxy, He chose a relatively minor star and made it the Sun of a Solar System. In this Solar System He created an incredibly special, wonderful planet to be the crown jewel in His universe.

On this remarkable planet He created mountains, a sky, an atmosphere, clouds, seas, and rivers. He then formed LIFE, and with it an amazing, life-sustaining ecosystem, with forests, jungles, single-celled plants and animals, insects, lizards, fish, birds and mammals.

Finally, to manage this spectacular planet, He created Man in His own Image. He loved Man, and gave him the ability to grow, learn, to invent, and to choose. He blessed man with a woman so that Man would not be alone, so that they could work together to manage the planet and particularly its species of animals and plants.

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Born Again?
What does that mean?
How would one go about that?

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The Sword

In the Bible, "The Sword" refers to wars that are coming to a nation.  

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Famine simply means hunger, and by extension, shortages.

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Article 5

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